Chapter 36

Words : 964 Updated : Mar 4th, 2025
Sighing, I lean back against my seat and just stare at a spot on my mahogany desk. Like I said, everything was going according to plan, but I still didn't know how to bring him completely back to earth. So far, what I've found is that I need her. I need her powers. My mother put a protective spell on me—one that doesn't recognize my powers. In other words, I can't use my abilities to bring back my love. I have to depend on her. I have to sit and wait for her to awaken. It's the only way. I'm getting impatient, though. It's been centuries; I miss my man. I miss my love. I miss Kaden so damn much. It's been so long, and I've been so lonely. I can still taste the chaos we unleashed, and my soul is craving it more than ever. We were meant to rule after I finally got my mother's staff, but everything went to hell because of her. Standing up, I start pacing the room. My beast, Xena, is getting impatient too. She wants her mate beside her. She wants him with us, and every day that passes without him, she's starting to lose control. My heart aches as I remember my time with Kaden. He was everything I ever wanted in a mate. I fell in love with him the first time I saw him in our palace. He'd been visiting, and when I saw him, I knew right then that he was the one. My mother had been against us, though. She did everything she could to separate us, but she wasn't able to. She couldn't break what we felt for each other. He was mine, and I was his. She said our union was wrong—that I should be ashamed—but I never was, and neither was he. You can't stand in the way of a true bond. The good thing is that Kaden thought the same. He saw me as his match, as his one and only. I was the only one who could give him the things others couldn't. I was the only one who accepted him for what he was and understood his dark desires. That's what made us such a powerful couple; we were both dark on the inside, and we accepted it. I smile at the memories of chaos—the destruction we brought. It was all glorious. Well, that is until my mother decided to get in the way. She wanted Kaden gone, and she succeeded. Too bad I'm a loyal mate, and I was not going to let him stay gone. We are meant to rule both worlds, and I'll make sure that we do. "You need to hasten the plan; I need him, Lola," my beast, Xena, muttered with an edge to her voice. "I know, but you know we can't do anything right now. Not until she awakens," I replied, looking outside the window. This was the only way, and Xena knew this. We've tried everything over the past years to bring him back, but we couldn't. She was the only one who could. The protective spell would recognize her powers, so apart from my mother, she's the only one who can break the spell. "And when will that be? I'm tired of waiting," she growled, pacing in my head and giving me a damn headache. "When it's time, we will know." Turning around, I walked out of my office. I needed a breather, or else my thoughts would drown me. I haven't gotten a moment of rest since I lost Kaden. It's just been planning and scheming for years. Everything I've done, I've done for him. I am now ready to have him back with me. Heading to the kitchen, I make myself a sandwich. It took a while to get used to the food here, but now it's easier. The hybrid warriors inside bow to me in respect before leaving. They were heading back to the training grounds. We chose the worst of the worst—the kind who would revel in creating chaos, because that's what I planned to do once Kaden awoke. Before he was taken from me, we had planned to destroy everything before rebuilding it in our image. Everyone who stood against us would end up dead. That's how it's meant to be. "My queen," I sensed him before he even walked to me. "What is it, Blake? Have you found my mother?" I asked, taking a bite of my sandwich. "Not yet, but I've heard rumors of a woman that might fit her description," he answered. Like I said, I didn't really care whether my mother was alive or not, but I wanted her to be here as I destroyed everything she fought so hard to protect. "Have you confirmed if there are just rumors?" "Not yet, but I've sent out four of our best trackers and spies to investigate," he said. "We should get the answer soon." I was about to answer when I felt a shift in the air. There was something potent and powerful coating the atmosphere. The skies darkened, thunder rumbled, and lightning struck. The wind picked up, electrifying the presence of power. Something told me this wasn't just happening here; it was everywhere. It was hard to miss the weather changing suddenly and the disappearance of the sun. "What the hell is happening?" Blake whispered next to me. I smiled for the first time in a long while. Finally, her powers have awakened. It was time to bring Kaden back.