Chapter 69 Face Off
Words : 921
Updated : Feb 28th, 2025
Get your fucking hands off of my woman! Adam bellowed angrily, hi burning rage.
"What did you just say?" Alessandro gritted out, glaring at the movie star. "Your woman?!" He scowled before continuing in an intimidating tone, "She is mine the Italian don declared. "Fucking dare to call her yours!" Adam was instantly in front of Alessandro, grabbing Mia's hand and pulling her protectively toward him.
"Don't fucking touch her!" Alessandro bawled, grabbing Mia's upper arm and pulling her towards him. away from Adam.
"Leave the woman and the house immediately or you will regret it," Adam warned darkly.
"You dare to say that!" Alessandro thundered.
All the household staff had gathered near the kitchen, watching in fear as the two men laid claim to Mia.
Emily rushed in upon hearing the loud noises, but before she could intervene, Mia snatched her hands away from both angry men and yelled, "Stop it, both of you!"
She glared, making both men suddenly soften their expressions as they looked at Mia's furious face. Her eyes darted from the movie star to the Italian don as she frowned in disdain.
"I don't belong to anyone!" she announced, her nostrils flaring in frustration.
Those foolish men thought they could own her. Ha! They didn't even deserve a moment of her attention. She didn't need a man in her life. She was enough for herself and her kids. She didn't need any of these arrogant alpha males who only sought to assert their ownership over a woman, treating her like property
"I do not belong to you, Mr. Whitmore, and not to you, Mr. Valentino. So get out of my house now!" she glowered, fuming with anger.
"Mia, amore, what's wrong?" Alessandro reached out in concern, puzzled by her reaction. But Mia held up a hand sternly, stopping him.
"No! Mr. Valentino, stop."
"But, mia vita..." Alessandro tried again.
Mia shook her head firmly. "I just need you to leave my house immediately," she said curtly,
Alessandro flinched at her cold tone, starting to become enraged by her disrespectful behavior in front of another man. She couldn't be serious about throwing him out of her house. No one had ever dared to do such a thing. But then again, this was his Mia, and she had the power and right over the mafia king to do what no one else would even dare to think of.
"Alright, you're angry, and I get it. Let's sit and talk," Alessandro coaxed, reaching out to touch her shoulder. But Mia slapped his hand away fiercely and pressed her palm firmly to his chest, pushing him toward the door.
"That's right, Mia, throw him out of your house. He deserves it," Adam encouraged, trailing behind Mia.
Though Mis was no match for Alessandro's strength and bouy weight, he let her push him easily, stepping et of the bure at he didn't want to upset her more. But listening to that cunning movie star provoking Mia. Alessandro became very furious and wanted to teach him a lesson for mocking him. However, what kaw next made him feel amused and eager to mock the movie star with the same cruelty.
After throwing Alessandro out of her house, Mia turned to face Adam, who was right behind her with an amused smile on his handsome face.
Mia huffed before she pushed Adam toward the door, catching him off guard and making him stumble. He even nearly fell, before he promptly grabbed the door frame to steady himself. Mia flinched, realizing he might have fallen, and instinctively grabbed his hand to steady him.
Aww, you care about me, baby. You can't throw me out, Adam smirked, making Mia squint her eyes in irritation, realizing he was acting to get her attention.
She gave him a hard push before rubbing her hand as if shaking off some dirt.
"Get the fuck out of my house, both of you," she commanded coldly before slamming the door shut in their faces.
"What the fuck just happened?!" Adam muttered in disbelief, staring at the closed door.
"You were thrown out by Mia Peterson," Alessandro chuckled.
"Ha! Look who's talking!" Adam mocked, glaring at the Italian don.
Alessandro glared back, standing tall and intimidating. Adam stretched to his full height but was still a half foot shorter than the mafia king. Both men stared at each other, the silence between them charged with unspoken threats.
"I don't believe in beating around the bush. So fucking listen to me very clearly, Adam Whitmore," Alessandro spoke in a warning tone. "Stay the fuck away from her and don't be fucking seen around her. Otherwise it won't be good for you and your acting career. Adamn was amused; it wasn't the first time someone had threatened him. But he was more than just a movie star; he had powerful connections with his wealth and fame.
"Alessandro Valentino!" Adam said with a charming expression. "If you value your life and business, stay away from Mia Peterson. She is mine, and no one can set their eyes on her and live to see the next sunrise," he threatened coldly.
Alessandro smirked at the threat. Perhaps Adam Whitmore didn't know who Alessandro Valentino was. Otherwise he wouldn't have had the audacity to threaten him like this. It seemed his time on earth was over, as if he had challenged death itself.