Chapter 2 The Last Day Until The End of the World

Words : 864 Updated : Mar 21st, 2025
In a large room. "Did you hear?" A female voice spoke out. The woman had brown skin with short brown hair. She was wearing a grey shirt that was tucked into her tight black leather pants. Her high heels clicked loudly on the tiled floor as she walked towards a man behind a bar counter who was wiping a glass cup with a washcloth. "Hear what?" A middle-aged man had said. The middle-aged man was wearing a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black dress pants with suspenders. Putting the glass cup down on the counter, he slicked his graying hair back. "Apparently, the city was infiltrated by one person." "Why are you telling us this?" "Yeah, wouldn't this fall to the police?" "There was that, but you see, there was a bounty given out for the intruder." "Huh?" the man raised his head slightly. "Well, that is peculiar" "Yeah, I never heard of a bounty being placed on an intruder." "Must be someone very important." "The bounty was given out to all the magical organizations and cabals throughout the city." "Who placed the bounty? The woman looked at the notice closely. "The Magic Association. They are saying her existence or power goes against the natural order of the law. "Well, 'who' was the bounty placed on anyway?" "It only came with a picture and a list of descriptions. Let me see.............Blue and black hair, blue eyes, is four feet tall, and is wearing a blue dress. That's it." The woman stared at the picture in her hand. "This person is a small child" she replied. "A child?" "Who would be after a child?" "Obviously someone who is after what she has in her possession or afraid of her power." The voice came from a man sitting in the shadows. Even though he sat in the shadows, his features were well pronounced. A large man of tan skin and long black hair, that reached down to his waist, with the right side parted above his eye. He had a light stubble over his thick jawline. He was wearing a black suit with a grey button-down shirt and a black tie, which was covered by a black trench coat with white straps. With red eyes staring at the two below him, he spoke. "Let's see, the bounty order was given out to all the magicians cabals throughout the city, but what organization is the biggest—the one that would know if there were an intruder in the first place? "The city?" the woman replied. "Yes" "Why the city?" the woman replied as she walked up the stairs to the man sitting on the throne. "The city exists as nothing more than a testament to one’s strength. One would have been foolish to ignore the power that is dangling right in front of them.” "...........” The woman handed the paper to the man, hidden by shadows. There was silence in the large room as he stared at the bounty. After a few seconds, a slight grin appeared on his stubbled face. “A power that goes against the natural order of law,” the man started. “Your Majesty” “The people of the world believe that magic was founded on the belief that ordinary humans can change the events before them. They get a little bit of power and condemn everything they don’t understand to destruction. The girl is a Crystal Guardian wandering around the city with true GODS power. “!” The woman's eyes widen in shock. “You can’t be serious, a Crystal Guardian, here.” “Surely you jest your majesty,” the middle-aged man blurted out. “That necklace hanging from her neck leaves no doubt to me; after all this time, who would have thought a Crystal Guardian would appear in the world after 5000 years?” The man stood up from his chair and began walking towards a large glass window overlooking the city. “A power I once had in my very fingertips, a power I once thought lost to me.” The man grinned as he looked out the window. "Then, sir, at long last” the woman said. The man placed his palm on the glass of the window. “I will take that girl and her power for myself and reclaim what was lost to me once. I will use this city as a foundation, and with her power, I will rebuild a world better than the one we lost. The other people in the room kneeled at the announcement. “At long last, the time has come for our 5,000-year prayer to be answered.” The man turned around to face his still-kneeling subjects and began walking to the chair. “Tonight, I will reclaim my Godhood, and as I do, this city and this world will suffer a paradigm shift unlike any other.” The man sat down in his chair. “When all of that succeeds, I will meet the founder of the city, our pretender king, with one question.” "What would the question be?" The woman said, still kneeling, raising her head. The man smirked. "What is a king to a GOD?"