chapter 21 Three women in one play

by Tom KK 17:45,Jul 28,2023
At the end of the workday, Ruoxue Yao sat in her office, continuing to work on some documents. A man, casually dressed in a well-fitted suit, with a handsome face and an elegant smile, strolled in.

Approaching Ruoxue Yao's office door, he gently knocked and said, "You're still here!" Ruoxue Yao looked up and replied, "Yes, it happens to be quitting time. Did I disturb your work?"

He smiled and said, "Not at all, I just thought we could grab dinner together. Your smile is as refreshing as a spring breeze."

Undeniably, this guy's appearance and demeanor left nothing to be desired. He gave off a very pleasant vibe, and Fei Shen couldn't help but think that if he were a woman, he would definitely be drawn to this man. However, he wasn't a woman, so he found the sudden appearance of this guy quite annoying.

"A guy this good-looking should be a gigolo," Fei Shen thought to himself. However, it seemed like that might be the case now.

Ruoxue Yao looked at the man and hesitated for a moment before declining his dinner invitation, "I have plans for tonight, how about another time?"

"Sure, no problem," the man replied graciously, still wearing a smile.

"Damn, he's trying to steal my girl!" Fei Shen muttered to himself. Although Ruoxue Yao was technically his fiancée, and their relationship might not have a promising future, Fei Shen's possessiveness kicked in, making him dislike this intruder.

Following Ruoxue Yao downstairs, Fei Shen asked, "Is this guy trying to pursue you?"

Ruoxue Yao replied irritably, "What's with your attitude?"

"Come on, was that guy just now trying to hit on you?"

Ruoxue Yao stared at Fei Shen with an exasperated expression, "He's my college classmate!"

"Is he trying to be a gigolo?" Fei Shen continued.

Ruoxue Yao blinked, somewhat surprised by Fei Shen's reaction, "We're just having dinner, nothing more."

"Besides, he's young and successful. Unlike me, who built everything from scratch!" Ruoxue Yao added.

"Is he trying to attach himself to a wealthy person?" Fei Shen chimed in again.

Ruoxue Yao rolled her eyes at Fei Shen, "Stop making assumptions."

Fei Shen shrugged, "I'm just saying, you're constantly navigating the business world, dealing with elites from various fields. Haven't you had enough of people like him?"

Ruoxue Yao suddenly had a moment of realization. His looks and abilities were outstanding, but she didn't feel any connection with him. Perhaps there was some truth in what Fei Shen was saying.

Seeing her contemplative expression, Fei Shen continued, "I'm not trying to scheme against him behind his back. You're not a naive girl anymore. If he heard what I said just now, it's either he's plotting revenge or he's just a coward. So, which one do you think is better for you?"

Ruoxue Yao nodded thoughtfully, realizing that Fei Shen's words had some merit. "Maybe it's best to keep some distance from people like him, to avoid ending up with nothing in the end," Fei Shen concluded.

Ruoxue Yao didn't respond, but these words seemed to have planted a seed of doubt in her mind. Fei Shen was quite satisfied with his clever manipulation of the situation.

As they got into the car and headed home, Fei Shen blinked at Ruoxue Yao and said, "Miss Yao, do you live alone?"

Confused, Ruoxue Yao asked, "What do you mean?"

"Isn't it lonely to have no one to cook for you? How about I make you dinner tonight?" Fei Shen suggested with a sly grin.

It was a simple gesture, but the real reason was that Fei Shen was running low on funds again.

Last time, the money Fei Shen spent on the taxi to meet Lianqing Su, along with the money for cigarettes, had wiped out his savings.

"You, at least you're not looking for a free ride!" Ruoxue Yao laughed.

Although this guy had become somewhat shameless, he still had some principles.

"Sure, why not? Let's invite Feifei to join us," Ruoxue Yao casually suggested.

"Sure!" Fei Shen grinned.

It didn't matter whom they invited; what mattered was that they would be contributing money. After all, a good meal would cost a pretty penny. Besides, Fei Shen was secretly excited to enter the inner sanctum of the beautiful CEO.

As Ruoxue Yao sat on the sofa watching the news, Fei Shen had already prepared a meal. The dishes were colorful, fragrant, and mouthwatering.

"Your cooking skills are great. You could be a chef at a restaurant!" Ruoxue Yao commented.

"Hehe," Fei Shen chuckled.

At that moment, the doorbell rang. Ruoxue Yao opened the door to find Feifei Ouyang standing outside, with Mengmeng Jiang following behind her.

Ruoxue Yao wasn't as familiar with Mengmeng Jiang, but it was clear they knew each other, and the young girl's sweet demeanor made her instantly likable.

"Hi, Ruoxue sis," she greeted cheerfully.

"Do you mind if I join for dinner?" the young girl asked shyly.

"Of course not," Ruoxue Yao replied with a smile.

"Oh, is that uncle here too?" Mengmeng Jiang noticed Fei Shen wearing an apron and looked surprised.

Leaving a man alone inside didn't seem appropriate, so Ruoxue Yao explained, "He's the chef I hired for today."

Feifei Ouyang knew that this guy had a questionable character, but his cooking skills were undeniable.

The three of them gathered at the dining table, and Fei Shen didn't join them but watched Ruoxue Yao expectantly.

Ruoxue Yao couldn't help but smile and took out some banknotes from her bag, handing them to Fei Shen. She felt that she owed him quite a bit, considering his skills had made the meal much better than expected.

Fei Shen's eyes lit up when he counted the money, realizing he had received a thousand yuan. He had thought a couple hundred would be generous enough.

Indeed, it was nice to sit under a shade tree. With this gesture, he had earned more than his monthly salary.

Seeing Fei Shen's delighted expression, Feifei Ouyang couldn't help but sneer, "Ruoxue sis hired you to cook and even pays you?"

"This is called reaping rewards after putting in effort, you know? It's not like someone who eats my food and still tries to mess with me!" Fei Shen retorted.

Feifei Ouyang was furious. "You dare bring up the snake meat incident?"

"Did I force you to eat it?" Fei Shen raised his eyebrows.

"Then why did you eat at my place and stay at my house?" Feifei Ouyang snapped. She couldn't believe he had the audacity to ask for money when he had eaten her food and stayed in her house. What was this guy's shamelessness made of?

"Let's not argue while eating," Ruoxue Yao interjected.

In her view, Feifei Ouyang was being a bit excessive. It seemed like she was not giving Fei Shen any face at all. Being a guest in someone else's house was already embarrassing, and now she was poking him about money. Fei Shen, as a man, must have felt quite humiliated.

Surprisingly, Fei Shen responded with a grin, "When it comes to settling scores, it's not your place to argue with me. Let Old Ouyang argue with me instead!"

Well, that was quite shameless.

Ruoxue Yao realized her worries had been unnecessary.

Feifei Ouyang glared at Fei Shen, seething with anger.

The three women finished their meal, and Mengmeng Jiang tried a dish, her eyes lighting up. "Uncle, your cooking is really good!"

Ruoxue Yao took a bite as well and couldn't help but be impressed. Her chopsticks moved faster as she enjoyed the flavors. As for Feifei Ouyang, who had already experienced Fei Shen's cooking, she knew what to expect.

However, upon hearing Mengmeng Jiang's praise, Ruoxue Yao couldn't help but give her a sharp look. She felt like her ally might be showing signs of betrayal.

After the meal, the three women lounged on the sofa, appearing rather disheveled and stuffed.

Fei Shen, on the other hand, prepared a large bowl of hawthorn tea for himself. "Do I have to pay for this too?" Feifei Ouyang asked, not pleased.

"This one is on the house," Fei Shen replied nonchalantly. Then, he began enjoying the leftovers, making sure he didn't go hungry.

"Fei Shen, it's getting cold. Heat it up," Ruoxue Yao said as she watched him devour his food.

"No need," Fei Shen shook his head. Whenever Mengmeng Jiang was around, there was never a dull moment, and he hadn't even finished his meal when she suggested going out for a walk and more food.

Ruoxue Yao was tempted. She had been busy with work, and her leisure time was scarce.

"I'd rather not. I'm afraid something will happen," Feifei Ouyang declined, still haunted by the last incident.

"It's fine, take Uncle with you, no taboos!" Mengmeng Jiang suggested.

"Yes, take this guy!" Ruoxue Yao finally made the decision.

Fei Shen looked at Ruoxue Yao with a speechless expression. Ruoxue Yao seemed to realize something and turned her head away, not looking at Fei Shen. Only Feifei Ouyang tried hard to hold back her laughter.

With Ruoxue Yao's final word, their outing was confirmed. The only thing Fei Shen prayed for was that this mischievous little girl wouldn't cause any trouble this time.

"We can go out, but no causing trouble. If anything happens like last time, I'll leave immediately!" Fei Shen warned Mengmeng Jiang with a stern expression.

As Fei Shen was cleaning the dishes, the three women huddled together, whispering about something. Ruoxue Yao said something, and Mengmeng Jiang's eyes lit up. She then whispered a few words to Feifei Ouyang.

"Is this plan okay?" Feifei Ouyang asked with skepticism.

This young girl always had devious ideas, and it seemed that every time Feifei Ouyang was the one who suffered. From accidentally using glue meant for herself to releasing snakes into her room (resulting in eating snake meat), and the nightclub incident that led to her being scolded by her father, not to mention the banana peel incident, she had endured enough.

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