chapter 14 Future space online

by Jayden 10:55,Sep 19,2023
"What is Futurix?"
"Can you really get a phone by registering for Futurix?"
"When can we register for Futurix? Can we do it now?"
In less than a moment, a crowd of students surrounded Quintin Fang's booth, inquiring eagerly. Quintin Fang had anticipated that the activity of registering and getting a free phone would generate a lot of interest. However, he was still astonished by the extent of its popularity during the actual promotion.
But on second thought, considering the status of phones in people's minds today, it was equivalent to the level of future Fruitty Mobiles. In later years, people would even trade kidneys for a Fruitty Mobile.
The current frenzy over registering and getting a phone, especially when tagged as 'free,' seemed entirely justified. No one would remain indifferent to something free. Reflecting on the future, any item with a 'free' label would attract crowds; regardless of its utility, people just wanted to grab it first.
Though astonished, Quintin Fang had trained Skylar Qin and her friends on the related matters. After a brief adjustment period, they began distributing flyers and patiently answering the students' various questions.
This lively scene continued until around eleven o'clock, and the crowded flow of people gradually dispersed.
With a sore throat, Quintin Fang picked up three bottles of pre-prepared mineral water and handed them to Skylar Qin and her friends. "You've all worked hard. Have some water and take a rest!"
"Ah, finally we can take a break. These people are insane! They asked so many questions; my mouth is dry from talking!" Iris Zhang fanned herself with one hand and took the offered mineral water with the other.
Compared to Iris Zhang's complaints, Tony Liu was excited. "Futurix is going to be huge! It's going to explode!"
As she spoke, she winked playfully at Quintin Fang.
Quintin Fang rolled his eyes and handed the mineral water to Tony Liu, all while observing Skylar Qin as he drank water. After a while, he suddenly noticed that Skylar Qin would frown inadvertently, and a hint of pain would flash across her beautiful face while handing out flyers and handling a few student questions.
Quintin Fang paused, realizing why Skylar Qin, despite being thirsty, didn't drink water directly. Most likely, a relative had come to visit her.
Realizing this, Quintin Fang dealt with a couple of inquiring students, left the booth to Tony Liu and the others, found an excuse, slipped away, and hurried to the supermarket in the canteen. He bought a packet of milk and had it heated at the counter.
Hurrying back to the booth with the milk, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and handed it to Skylar Qin. "Skylar, have this! I had it heated, so you can drink it!"
Skylar Qin blushed at the unexpected gesture. Seeing Quintin Fang sweating and showing such concern, she felt a warmth envelop her heart. Almost absentmindedly, she pulled a pack of wet tissues from her pocket, wiped Quintin Fang's forehead, and handed it to him.
Quintin Fang felt a sudden rush of familiarity, something he hadn't felt for a long time. It was as if he had a cool drink in the scorching heat of summer. He was just about to say something when—
"Oh... so sweet!" Iris Zhang, who had just dealt with two students, exclaimed loudly.
Seemly caught in the act like a thief, Skylar Qin quickly retracted the hand that wiped Quintin Fang's sweat and even neglected the hot milk Quintin Fang had brought. She shyly turned away from Quintin Fang and took a few steps back.
Quintin Fang, with a thick-skinned face, coughed dryly. "Ahem,! Well, I see. Skylar, I thought you might not be comfortable drinking cold, so I went to the supermarket in the canteen and bought this heated milk for you."
Skylar Qin blushed at first, then seeing Quintin Fang's sincere concern, she felt a warm surge envelop her. She took the milk he offered, her shy demeanor turning even redder.
"Tsk tsk! How considerate! How come I didn't see you buying heated milk for me?" Iris Zhang teased.
Quintin Fang joked, "Hey, you're putting me in a difficult spot. If I show too much concern for you, my friend might come after me with a knife!"
"Iris, do you want some heated milk? I can go get it for you!" Tony Liu also joined in, belatedly offering her assistance.
Iris Zhang, after seeing Quintin Fang's thoughtful and considerate nature towards Skylar Qin, forgot her teasing for a moment and said with a bit of annoyance, "I'm not a relative, I'm not thirsty!"
With that, she turned and walked to Skylar Qin, engaging in a quiet conversation.
"You, always so attentive to her. Why didn't I see you buying heated milk for me?" Quintin Fang approached, patting Tony Liu's shoulder.
Tony Liu looked a bit confused. "Huh, what do you mean? What did I do?"
Quintin Fang, seeing Tony Liu's confusion, felt a bit speechless. He could only sigh internally. One couldn't think clearly when they were in love.
Afterward, Quintin Fang checked the time; it was almost noon. He asked Tony Liu and the others to pack up the booth and then treated them to a meal at a restaurant with good hygiene outside the campus.
During the meal, Quintin Fang also called his roommate, Vince Sun, and others, as well as Ella Su, to inquire about the feedback from various significant universities in Shanghai regarding the ground promotion. He learned that the effectiveness of ground promotion in various major universities was on par with the rise in their university.
This assured him that Futurix's launch was on a stable track. However, he wasn't complacent. Instead, he urged his roommates and Ella Su to intensify the afternoon's ground promotion, aiming to make Futurix a hit as soon as it launched.
In addition to this, he also instructed Ella Su to remind the tech team, including Eric Zhang, to prepare the servers well, ensuring there would be no lag or other issues during Futurix's launch.
After conveying all these instructions, Quintin Fang playfully promised that when Futurix officially launched at eight in the evening, and if it was a great success, he would give bonuses to the ground promotion team and the tech team.
In the afternoon, after Quintin Fang and the others had eaten, rested for about half an hour, and carried the folding table and other items to the intersection outside several men's dormitory buildings, they continued the lively atmosphere that had prevailed in the female dormitory area in the morning.
After a busy period, Quintin Fang and his group were exhausted. Quintin Fang had intended to invite Skylar Qin and her friends for a meal to create more opportunities to interact with Skylar Qin. However, Skylar Qin refused, citing not feeling well.
Tony Liu and Iris Zhang also declined, feeling too tired.
Quintin Fang knew the situation and didn't insist. He agreed that after a gathering with Vince Sun and the others, he would conspire with Tony Liu to create an opportunity to send Skylar Qin back to the dorm alone.
During the trip to escort Skylar Qin back to her dorm, Quintin Fang and Skylar Qin had a few conversations. However, Quintin Fang could feel that their relationship had significantly improved after the incident in the morning. They were more open and comfortable in their talks.
He regretted that the trip to escort Skylar Qin back to her dorm was too short. He didn't get to enjoy it properly; it ended too quickly.
After seeing Skylar Qin enter the dorm, Quintin Fang left the campus, grabbed a quick meal at a nearby restaurant, and then took a taxi directly to the company.
The official launch of Futurix was scheduled for that night, marking the start of his dream. He had to witness it on the spot for such a significant moment.
Quintin Fang arrived at the Starlit Building, where the company was, an hour later. He exited the car and entered the building, taking the elevator to the nineteenth floor.
When he arrived at the company, Ella Su, Eric Zhang, and others were waiting attentively.
"How's everything? Is everything ready?" Quintin Fang entered the office and inquired.
Ella Su was not surprised and smiled, saying, "Mr. Fang, rest assured! The website has been debugged, and the servers are ready. We're just waiting for eight o'clock to officially launch!"
"Yeah, then I can relax," Quintin Fang said, nodding. He chatted with Ella Su and others about work-related matters, waiting quietly for eight o'clock to approach.
Gradually, time passed.
At precisely eight o'clock in the evening, Futurix was officially launched.

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