chapter 10 Make things difficult

by Ethan 11:53,Sep 25,2023
Johnson Zhang looked at William Lin with surprise and asked, "You don't know? The company is going to lay off employees!"
Although William Lin was here today to resign, he was puzzled. Didn't they just lay off some employees last month? This shouldn't be happening again so soon.
William Lin teased, "What's going on, Johnson? You seem like you know some inside information! Is your name on the layoff list?"
Johnson Zhang rolled his eyes at William and said, not too pleased, "Well, it seems they're planning to cut some people who haven't been punctual with their clock-in hours due to excessive absences. Have you taken any leave these past few days? Don't tell me you're on that list!"
William Lin shrugged and said, "I'm here to resign today."
As soon as William Lin finished speaking, Johnson eagerly asked, "What happened? It's just a woman! Don't take it so hard. Although I don't know what exactly happened between you two, I'll always have your back! I always thought Alisa Zhang was a bit strange. If you broke up, you broke up – there are better things ahead."
Right after saying that, Johnson quickly covered his mouth, looking embarrassed. He knew he had spoken out of turn.
"Oh! Hold on!" William didn't react at first but suddenly realized something and asked, "How did you know that Alisa and I broke up?"
Johnson Zhang thought for a moment and reluctantly said, "You didn't know, huh? Well, yesterday you didn't come to work, and Alisa came to the office causing a scene. She was saying you've hooked up with a wealthy woman, being a gigolo, and left her! Tyler Mo had to bring her to the office to calm her down!"
Tyler Mo was the manager of the sales department where William Lin worked. He got this nickname because of his last name, Mo, and his difficult personality. He often nitpicked and caused trouble for his subordinates, so William Lin and his colleagues gave him the nickname "Tyler Mo"
Upon hearing Johnson's words, William Lin was furious. He couldn't believe that Alisa would be so shameless. He thought that after the incident with Susan Su, she wouldn't cause trouble again. Yet here she was, spreading rumors about him at the office. He couldn't believe he had been so blindly devoted to her before.
William Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, a cold glint in them.
Seeing William's unusual demeanor, Johnson waved his hand in front of William's eyes and looked at him with concern.
After snapping out of it, William shook his head and explained to Johnson, "My mother's illness can now be treated, so I plan to resign first and get her treatment. Then, I'll come back to work."
Upon hearing William's explanation, Johnson said, "I'm glad your mom is willing to seek treatment! That's great news. I have some savings, so if you ever need financial help for her treatment, don't hesitate to ask. We're like family here; I don't consider you an outsider."
William was touched by Johnson's words, even though he might not need financial assistance at the moment. It was heartwarming to hear such support, so he nodded and thanked Johnson, saying, "Thank you. I won't hesitate to ask if I need help. You're like family to me too."
"Alright, let's go. I better get to work before I catch any heat from the boss. I'll wish your mom a speedy recovery. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We're practically family," Johnson said and headed into the office building.
William followed suit and entered the office. As he walked in, he noticed his colleagues wearing subtle expressions of curiosity and schadenfreude.
In this cutthroat corporate environment, it was all about performance. People were more than ready to capitalize on any misfortune to steal your clients.
William paid no attention to their expressions and headed straight for the manager's office. After today, he wouldn't have to care about any of them.
Standing outside the door, William politely knocked.
"Who is it?" came Tyler Mo's voice from inside the office.
"It's me, William Lin," William replied.
There was a long silence, and William furrowed his brow. He decided to open the door himself.
Upon entering the office, William found Tyler Mo leisurely sipping tea. Seeing William walk in, Tyler Mo scolded, "What are you doing? Can't you see I'm busy? Don't you know the rules? You can't just barge into the office!"
"Your definition of busy is sipping tea?" William asked casually.
Hearing William's retort, Tyler Mo lost his temper. He stood up and pointed at William, saying, "What's your problem? Do you not want to work anymore? Is my business something you can meddle in?"
Without saying a word, William tossed his resignation letter onto the desk and said, "I'm not working here anymore. Sign it, and I'll settle my accounts with the finance department."
According to company rules, anyone resigning had to get their department head's signature before going to the finance department for clearance.
Hearing that William had come to resign, Tyler Mo was briefly stunned, then remarked, "Well, well! You suddenly grew a backbone today! Looks like you've found yourself a sugar momma to take care of you!"
At that comment, William narrowed his eyes, his gaze fixed on Tyler Mo.
Seeing William's intense gaze, Tyler Mo scoffed, "What? Have the guts to find a rich woman but no guts to admit it? Don't look at me like that. This is my territory."
William didn't respond but simply said, "Hurry up and sign. I have things to do."
"What will you do if I don't sign it? You missed work for two days without any reason, and now you're threatening your supervisor to sign it. Be careful, I'll have the legal department talk to you!" said Tyler Mo.
Seeing William Lin becoming increasingly agitated, Tyler Mo couldn't help but think about the captivating figure of Alisa Zhang from last night. It was a shame he had given up such a great girlfriend for money. But then again, if it weren't for William Lin getting involved with a rich woman, he would never have had a chance with Alisa Zhang.
"Are you sure?" William Lin's patience had reached its limit.
"I'm sure!" Tyler Mo replied and immediately pressed the communication button to notify the security department, saying, "Security, come to the Sales Department; there's a disturbance!"
As Tyler Mo hung up the call, William Lin charged at him. A single punch sent Tyler Mo flying out of his chair and his glasses shattered into pieces on the floor.
Tyler Mo felt excruciating pain all over his body as he lay on the ground, howling in agony.
The loud noise and Tyler Mo's cries echoed throughout the Sales Department, grabbing everyone's attention. All eyes turned towards the office.
Johnson Zhang, who had been chatting with a potential client at his desk, also noticed something was wrong. He quickly apologized to the client and rushed towards Tyler Mo's office.
Sensing trouble, other employees followed suit, eager to find out what had happened.
Upon entering the office, they were all stunned. They saw Tyler Mo, with shattered glasses, lying on the floor signing something.
The Sales Department employees were astonished by Tyler Mo's current condition, but secretly delighted. While they had often been tormented by him, they had never been able to retaliate. Seeing someone finally stand up to him was a rare moment of satisfaction.
However, Johnson Zhang frowned as he watched the scene unfold. He hurried over to William Lin and whispered, "William Lin, did you attack him?"
William Lin nodded but remained silent, still staring at Tyler Mo, who was trembling while signing.
"Alright, that's enough. Get out of here quickly! Don't bother with the money; once security arrives, you won't be able to leave," Tyler Mo said, pushing William Lin towards the door.
Just then, the head of the security department, along with a team of security personnel, arrived at the entrance of the office.

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