chapter 8 hospital visit

by Melodie 17:30,Dec 04,2023
The Griffith Family's residence is located in the suburbs, a delicately styled three-story villa sprawling over a vast area, complete with fences and a vegetable garden, offering a comfortable and liveable environment.
At the entrance, thirty personal bodyguards, all ex-soldiers with sharp, eagle-like eyes, are stationed.
The head of the bodyguards, named Julius, notices a stranger, a young man walking shoulder to shoulder with Chairman Apollo, and can't help but look curious.
His curiosity quickly turns to astonishment.
Julius notices that Apollo's steps are always half a step slower than Jackson's, the implication of which is self-evident.
"Damn, who is this young man? Even Chairman Apollo is stepping aside for him?"
"He must be some big figure!"
The bodyguards whisper among themselves.
"Julius, come here for a moment," Apollo whispers something to Jackson, then stops and gestures to Julius.
"Chairman," Julius hurries over.
"Julius, let me introduce someone to you. This is Jackson, your future son-in-law. He's part of the family now, make sure the others know," Apollo introduced.
Hearing this, Julius took a sharp breath - the man is Miss Violet's boyfriend!
"Son-in-law!" Julius exclaims.
Jackson shook hands with him, acknowledging the introduction.
Back at the villa, Jackson sat on the sofa with the Griffith Family.
Violet expressed her doubts, "How did Heidi know in advance that the Bold Eagle Gang would block us?"
"It seems we need to investigate this Heidi," Apollo said with a shake of his head. "I've been a regular at the Hilton Hotel for over three years and have known Heidi for just as long. I never imagined she had this kind of influence."
Jackson voiced his own curiosity, "What I'm more curious about is why Heidi would help us?" This was the point he found most puzzling.
If it was an old friend, that would be one thing, but Heidi had only recently met him and had passed on a note without worrying about the secret being leaked or even attracting the hostility of the Bold Eagle Gang. Or perhaps, was Heidi not afraid of them at all?
"Everything is an unknown," Apollo mused, lost in thought.
"Not necessarily," Jackson said, spreading out the note and pointing to a line of small text, "The night after tomorrow, I'm going to the Hilton Hotel."
Apollo hurried over to look. He had only paid attention to the message on the note previously but hadn't noticed the additional line specifying the Hilton Hotel, ninth floor, room 912.
"Could it be a trap?" Apollo asked worriedly.
"If she really wanted to trap me, she wouldn’t need to go through such trouble," Jackson decided, resolving to meet Heidi in three days to find out the truth.
The next day was a statutory holiday, so there was no work.
After breakfast, Violet prepared to go out.
"Where are you off to, casual partner?" Jackson asked leisurely as he followed her.
"Can you stop bringing up that term!" Violet was very sensitive to it now.
"Alright, alright, I won’t mention it. But you still have to tell me where you're going," Jackson said, raising his hands in surrender.
"Why do you care where I go!" Violet rolled her eyes.
"I'm your nominal boyfriend and actually your bodyguard. So, do you think I have a say?" Jackson persisted. Even though he didn’t have to work that day, his job continued, and protecting Violet was part of it.
"I'm visiting Amira in the hospital!" Violet revealed her destination, seeing that Jackson was relentless.
"The hospital, huh? That place is dangerous, I'll accompany you." Jackson said, then sat in the passenger seat of the Ferrari C9. It was his second time in this luxury sports car, and it still felt very comfortable.
"The hospital is dangerous? Then there's no safe place in this world," Violet said disdainfully, as if she had heard the coldest joke.
"I'm just going to stick around anyway. I'll follow you wherever you go," Jackson said stubbornly. He wasn’t really trying to scare her, but hospitals are public places and any public place can be an excellent location for assassination.
Given the current internal and external troubles of the Griffith Group, if it were to be taken over, his antidote for the S virus would be lost too. For his own sake, Jackson couldn’t let Violet come to harm.
Seeing that she couldn't shake Jackson off, Violet, itching with irritation but unable to do anything about it, drove him to the Jimstantham City First Hospital.
In a private hospital room.
"You're finally here, Violet!" Amira said joyfully upon seeing Violet at the door of the room, and they started chatting.
Jackson stood aside and observed Amira, his eyes gradually brightening.
He hadn’t had the chance to observe her closely at the abandoned factory, but now he realized that this girl named Amira was also a top-tier beauty.
She was a girl in her early twenties with long, flaxen hair, a delicate and fair face under her soft side-swept bangs. Her petite features were as if painted by an artist, perfect and natural.
Despite her youthful face, her physical assets were not insignificant. Even in her bulky hospital gown, the prominence of her chest was evident. Based on Jackson’s experienced eye, they must be a size C, not as exaggerated as Violet's 34D, but still impressive for her age.
After noticing Amira's figure, Jackson couldn’t help but have crooked thoughts.
He had saved her life, after all, so she should repay her saviour, right? Didn’t TV shows often play out the trope where a beauty has nothing to offer but herself?
Jackson used to find such clichéd plots extremely tacky!
Now, he thought, how naive he was back then. What's wrong with being tacky?
Amira, the beautiful girl, why don't you repay me in that way! Jackson silently called out in his heart.
"The doctor asked me to stay in the hospital for a few days of observation. Those three jerks drugged me too heavily, and my head still feels dizzy," Amira said with a pout, a very lively girl, feeling almost mouldy from being cooped up in the hospital room all day.
As she spoke, Amira's gaze turned to Jackson, and she blinked her big eyes in confusion, "Violet, who is this?"
"He is Jackson. Speaking of which, he is your lifesaver," Violet introduced, then recounted how she met Jackson at the airport and how he came to their rescue. Of course, she selectively forgot to mention the part about the casual hook-up.
"Wow, Mr. Jackson, thank you so much!" Amira's eyes immediately lit up with gratitude as she looked at Jackson after hearing this.
"It was just a small effort, not worth mentioning," Jackson wanted to say that she might as well repay him with her body, but considering the actual situation, he decided against it, thinking that acting cool might be more effective.
Indeed, Amira's eyes were filled with admiration, "Mr. Jackson, you fought three people by yourself, that's so amazing. Could you teach me some self-defense?"
"Self-defense? No problem," Jackson agreed.
"Once I'm discharged, I'll come to learn self-defense from you, Mr. Jackson. You must not forget, okay?" They exchanged Facebook contacts, and Amira was satisfied, ensuring that Jackson couldn't go back on his word.
"I'm going to use the restroom," Violet said, getting up to leave the room.
"Wait, I'll go too," Jackson quickly said.
Seeing Amira's surprised look, Jackson didn't forget to explain before leaving: "Oh, right, I'm Violet's bodyguard, I need to protect her safety at all times."
Jackson had pretty much given up on Violet, the ice queen, as one shouldn't give up the whole forest for just one tree.
Amira was like a big cabbage Jackson encountered after circling around the tree that was Violet, naturally, he couldn't let her go.

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