chapter 15 Seven stars to extend life

by Verne 09:54,Oct 08,2023
The Sheal Martial Arts Alisa Lin mentioned is not one of the mythical Four Holy Beasts, its full name is "China Sheal Martial Arts Special Combat Bureau".
The term Sheal Martial Arts represents "mystics" and "warriors", in short, an institution for the study and operation of China's mystic warriors. It has nine special combat teams, collectively known as Sheal Martial Arts Group Nine.
Andrew Qi was not surprised that China had such an organization, as similar institutions for research and combat of people with special abilities had been established in major countries around the time of World War II, and could even be traced back to the Middle Ages, when the Church had a mysterious army of mages under its command. In ancient China, there were also mysterious positions and institutions like the national protecting mages and the Imperial Astronomical Bureau.
Alisa Lin was a member of the ninth group of Sheal Martial Arts, which is why she eagerly invited Andrew Qi to join.
"Miss Lin――"
"Just call me Alisa Lin, or even 'Allie' is fine."
"Alright, Allie――I have a question, you inviting me to join Sheal Martial Arts is no big deal, but I will only answer to you, and no one else should think about ordering me around. Or, even if I don't join Sheal Martial Arts, I would still do my best to help you. You think about it first, no need to hurry in giving me an answer." Andrew Qi said to Alisa Lin.
Cultivators, originally, are meant to break free from the confines of heaven and earth, how could they be controlled by others!
While speaking with Alisa Lin, Andrew Qi had already healed the injured person and had his apprentice take him down the mountain for recuperation.
Then, Andrew Qi turned his attention to this elder, named Colton Chu, who was once the deputy team leader of the ninth group of Sheal Martial Arts. He was injured in the spine by a bomb during a mission, rendering him unable to feel his legs anymore. Even the surgeons of Sheal Martial Arts could not help him.
Colton Chu had a good martial spirit, and considering Alisa Lin's face, Andrew Qi also planned to help him, adding a strong ally for her, so he said to Colton Chu, "Mr. Chu, if you don't mind, could you let me see the injury on your back?"
"Do you have a cure for it?" Alisa Lin was overjoyed. She now had an overwhelming confidence in Andrew Qi, possibly because she had been completely shocked by his profound unfathomability earlier.
"A talisman master is essentially a doctor among cultivators," Andrew Qi said, which was true, as there were no specialized doctors in the cultivation world, but if there was an injury that couldn't be resolved, seeking help from a talisman master would be it.
Colton Chu himself didn't care, thinking that although the chances of success are low, there is no harm letting Andrew try to cure him.
Andrew Qi already knew about Colton Chu's injury very clearly. With the powerful divine consciousness of the dragon spirit, he could "see" even more accurately than a hospital's CT scanner, knowing that the hospital's diagnosis was correct. A section of Colton Chu's spine was corroded by a special artillery shell fragment, and that fragment was probably carrying some toxin, causing partial nerve necrosis around the wound, almost incurable from a Western medicine perspective.
However, cultivators can cure what modern medicine can't, as not all wonders can be explained by science, otherwise, there wouldn't be the word "miracle" in this world.
Looking up, although it was already dawn, the Big Dipper was still in the sky.
So, without hesitation, Andrew Qi took out a peach wood charm, engraved with seemingly simple but deeply mysterious red runes.
Seeing Andrew Qi take out a small piece of wood, Alisa Lin's heart started pounding nervously, as she had previously seen him shatter a rock wall with a piece of wood, and now she didn't know what he was planning to do.
Colton Chu was also confused.
Andrew Qi shifted his gaze from the Big Dipper, and using the spiritual power of the Dragon charm of Well Constellation, he began to activate the peach wood charm in his hand. Moments later, the runes on the charm began to emit a silver glow like stars and moon, with seven points of light flickering on it - this was the Seven Stars Life-Extending Charm!
Even a person on the brink of death, with the power of this Seven Stars Life-Extending Charm and the blessing of the star power and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, could extend their life for seven days! For Colton Chu, who was just injured, the power of this charm would naturally mean a longer duration.
Seeing the peach wood piece in Andrew Qi's hand actually glowing and showing mysterious runes, Alisa Lin's eyes blazed with fervour. She had seen masters with fully developed internal energy punch steel armour as if it was tofu, but none of that seemed as astonishing as the scene before her.
After activating the Seven Stars Life-Extending Charm, Andrew Qi pressed the peach wood charm against Colton Chu's wound. The charm's light grew stronger, and it felt like burning, but Colton Chu naturally wouldn't make a sound because of this pain, letting Andrew Qi work at full capacity.
In a short while, the peach wood piece in Andrew Qi's fingertips disappeared as if it had burned away, but the light of the runes did not disperse, instead permeating into Colton Chu's wound. Then, the runes gradually faded, leaving seven dark red spots on the skin near the wound, arranged like the Big Dipper in the sky.
The whole process took less than ten minutes, but Andrew Qi was already sweating profusely. This took much more spiritual energy than releasing a Thunderfire talisman earlier, as saving someone was much more troublesome than hurting someone.
Although Alisa Lin didn't know what exactly Andrew Qi did, seeing his sweat and tired face, she knew he had exerted a lot of effort, so she quickly came over to ask, "Andrew Qi, thank you, do you need to rest a bit?"
"I'm fine," Andrew Qi shook his head and then said to Colton Chu, "Mr. Chu, you will be able to move without issues within half a month, but remember not to engage in a fight with anyone! Give me a few days to prepare, and I will make you truly recover!"
"Was that all it took?" Colton Chu himself couldn't believe it, but he tried moving his waist and legs, and a familiar feeling spread throughout his body, he had control over his body again, he stood up once more!
This was an injury even the doctors of Sheal Martial Arts couldn't cure.
Colton Chu stood up and thanked Andrew Qi, "Andrew... no, I should call you 'Master Qi'. With your skills, you have surpassed all of us internal energy martial artists!"
In the martial world, not everyone can be honoured with the title "Master".
Colton Chu, after all, was the deputy team leader of the ninth group of Sheal Martial Arts, having seen a lot and met many martial artists and cultivators. But Andrew Qi seemed more profound and unfathomable than anyone he had met, and despite his youth, Colton Chu could not afford to underestimate him.
"Mr. Chu, as I said before, my charm only temporarily suppressed your injury. To truly cure it, I still need to make some preparations. In the meantime, I might need some things, if―"
"Master Qi, rest assured, whatever you need, we will do our best to find it!" Colton Chu knew that if he was getting treated, he couldn't expect Andrew to find the medicine.
"Good, I'll inform Allie when the time comes," Andrew Qi said, then turned to Alisa Lin, "Leave me your phone number."
Alisa Lin nodded, took out a black phone, and tossed it to Andrew Qi.
"I asked for your phone number," Andrew Qi said, dumbfounded.
"Consider it a gift to you, it has much stronger signal than regular phones."
Alisa Lin said, "Press the 0 key to contact me, and feel free to ask for whatever you need."

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