chapter 17 [Text Where did the murder come from]

by Dixon 17:44,Jan 03,2024

"It's on fire!"

"Quickly put out the fire!"

There were chaotic shouts. The brightly lit Jinhuang Club was now even brighter. There was smoke everywhere in the building and it looked very dangerous. However, there was only one room on the top floor that actually had an open flame.

The crowd fled in great waves.

As a high-end entertainment venue, there is no problem with fire safety, and the evacuation channels are smooth. These rich people cherish their own lives the most.

After the crowd was evacuated, there was a sudden explosion and the entire building burned completely.

The fire illuminated the surrounding area brightly, and you could see several strong men in black running out, getting into a commercial vehicle, and speeding away.

"Mr. Zhao, your plan is so perfect! Every step is so precise!" The men in black all looked at the young man driving the car with admiration on their faces.

That young man was the one who hit brother Rivail with a beer glass. Naturally, it was Sogno Jeter.

"Is it perfect? ​​This is just the beginning!"Sogno Jeter smiled sinisterly.

Song of Vienna.

As night falls, the hustle and bustle in the city becomes quiet, but life here has just begun. At the door of the box, two young people were chatting happily.

"What brother Guston did today is the best! The front is straight and the back is curved. It's absolutely beautiful!"

"brother Guston is always interesting. After playing, it will be great if we brothers also drink some soup!"

These are two horse boys. The boss is working inside, and they are guarding the door.

A waiter came over with a tray with two glasses of wine on it. Maybe the two boys were too happy to notice, or maybe the waiter accidentally bumped into each other as they passed by, causing the wine glasses to spill all over him.

"Damn it! Do you have eyesight? My clothes cost thousands of dollars, can you afford to pay for them if they get stained?" A horse boy shook his wet shirt with his hands and cursed.

The waiter looked horrified and apologized profusely.

"You're new here, right? You look a bit unfamiliar! brother Guston Qiang is here to protect you, and I won't care about you. If I were in another place, I would kill you directly just because of your stupidity!"

The young man put down his cruel words and went to the bathroom to clean up.

"Get out of here!"

The remaining Ma Zi kicked the waiter in the butt.

"Yes Yes!"

The waiter nodded and bent down to pick up the tray that fell on the floor. When he stood up, he passed by the horse boy.

The horse boy's eyes suddenly widened, he lowered his head and looked at his chest with incredible eyes. A dagger pierced deeply into his heart, and blood was pouring out, staining his shirt red.

The waiter who was like a sheep just now suddenly transformed into a venomous snake with murderous eyes.

The boy's strength seemed to be drained out of him in an instant. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. As soon as his body went limp, before he fell down, he was supported by the waiter's hands, pushed back, and took advantage of the momentum to enter the private room.

There was the sound of footsteps, and three or four people came out of the escape tunnel not far away and followed him into the private room.

In the private room, the lights are charming. A strong man with a beard is lying on the sofa, and a long-haired beauty in a see-through dress is waiting on the side... The strong man's face is turned to the sky, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

When he heard the door to the private room, he didn't even look at it and opened his mouth to curse:

"If you have anything to say, hurry up! If there is nothing important, you know the consequences of disturbing me at this time!"

What answered him was the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer.

The strong man realized something was wrong and sat up suddenly. I got up too quickly and almost got hurt.

"Get the fuck out of here!"

After slapping the beauty away, the strong man stood up and grabbed the wine bottle on the coffee table, "Who are you?"

Then there was the sound of a brief fight, a scream, and another woman's shrill scream, but it stopped abruptly and was quickly interrupted.

In less than two minutes, several people had already left.

Ma Zai, who went to the bathroom, came back and saw that his partner was not at the door, so he muttered a curse. Suddenly, he seemed to smell a trace of blood and sniffed hard. Lowering his head, he happened to see two drops of blood on the carpet. He couldn't help but be startled. He suddenly realized what he was doing and hurriedly turned around and knocked on the door:

"brother Guston, are you okay?"

no respond. Ma Zai immediately opened the door and rushed in. The scene in front of him shocked him. I saw brother Guston fell on the coffee table, with a pool of blood under his body...

"brother Guston is dead! brother Guston is dead!"

Ma Zai walked over tremblingly, stretched out his hand to test brother Guston's nostrils, and immediately ran out shouting.

The song of Vienna immediately became boiling.

Mingyue 1st.

The single-family villas are set against the green mountains and green waters, like dotted stars, very beautiful. At night, the entire villa is brightly lit, the security at the entrance of the villa is strict, and there are mobile patrols in the community...

This is a suburb, but security is stricter than in the heart of the city.

People who live here are either rich or noble. Environmental enjoyment is important, but safety is naturally the first priority.

Suddenly, a shrill scream broke the tranquility of the night. A young woman wearing silk pajamas has a hot figure, but now her beautiful face is pale with a look of horror.

In the spacious living room, under the crystal lamp, you can see an old man lying on the ground, breathless...

While people with status were being purged one by one, tonight, vans drove into Nandu, and groups of strong men of unknown origins clashed with local gangsters.

Sirens roared and lights blared.

Director Jukes face turned pale. Call several people one by one in person. Nandu is the scope of Tianlong Group. There are a few high-level officials in charge, and everyone has always been doing fine.

If something like this happened suddenly today, Director Jukes would of course have to call and question it.

However, when he called one after another, he couldn't reach anyone. Moreover, he soon received the news that all the people worthy of his call were dead, which shocked Director Jukes.

"It seems that things are going to change in Nandu!"

He groaned. I just hope this change doesn't cause too much trouble.

As for the murders of those big shots... no one reported them at all, so where did the murders come from?

Jiaye Group.

As the morning sun rises, a thin morning mist envelopes the city, as if the entire city is covered in gauze, bringing with it a quiet beauty.

However, some things that happened last night destined that the city could not be as peaceful as it appeared.

In the chairman's office, Draumur Jolly stood in front of the spacious floor-to-ceiling windows with a cigarette holder in his mouth, overlooking the entire city. His hair was gray at the temples; there were a few deep wrinkles on his forehead; his face looked aged and tired, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Apparently, he didn't get a good rest last night.

Sogno Jeter was always relaxed and relaxed, lying lazily on the sofa, with a cigarette in his mouth and eyes squinted.

The fatigue of the whole night could hardly be seen on his body. In contrast, it seemed that it was not him who led people to run around and kill last night, but Draumur Jolly.

Asti Jolly stood beside him, looking at Sogno Jeter quietly with soft eyes.

When he puts on his shirt, he is a god of killing, but when he takes off his shirt, he is just an ordinary person. He looks extremely ordinary, even a bit hopeless. There must be many secrets in this man.

Asti Jolly found that he was becoming more and more interested in Sogno Jeter.

"Mr. Zhao's move is indeed extraordinary. Several high-level officials of the Tianlong Group in this city were all eliminated overnight. However, are we really not in trouble?"Draumur Jolly's voice was hoarse.

"What's the trouble?"Sogno Jeter n't even raise his eyebrows.

"It's okay to say that Ah Gou died in a car accident; but there is something wrong with Mingyue No. 1. There are many people with good status living there. No one wants to be unsafe even there. Mr. Zhao is so Do it, there are some bad rules! And Aqiang died tragically. If someone pursues it, I'm afraid it will be inappropriate."

"Oh? What is the chairman's plan?"Sogno Jeter finally raised his head and looked at Draumur Jolly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao! Mr. Zhao is doing all this to help our Jiaye Group. I, Draumur Jolly, am not an ungrateful person. No matter how big the trouble is, I will help Mr. Zhao bear it. However, I am afraid that the next days will be I want to offend Mr. Zhao and try to show him as little as possible in public places."Draumur Jolly said in a deep voice.

"Well, you are responsible!"Sogno Jeter was quite satisfied with Draumur Jolly's performance.

If this guy acts like a coward at this time, Sogno Jeter will never help him again. For the sake of the old man at home, you don't have to argue with him, but you will definitely get up and leave. After leaving Nandu, you will never care about the disputes here again.

Draumur Jolly bluntly said that he would bear the consequences. This is the courage of the chairman of a large company, and it also shows that his character is not bad and worthy of Sogno Jeter help.

"Don't worry! All your worries are unnecessary."Sogno Jeter moved his body and assumed a comfortable posture, "Tianlong Group wants to save face, they will definitely not even call the police! You should be related, right? You can call Just to ask."

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