Chapter 2

by alpha-1 15:17,Apr 14,2023

A tall man walked into the arena. The door behind him was closed. He towered above all the other alpha people and didn't even bother to look at them again. He nodded to Barry to start. He was not very patient, and he didn't want to finish it.

Thirty minutes passed and two alpha stood. Alfa Blacky watched his opponent carefully. His body was covered with claw marks and bites caused by the loss of large pieces of meat, but it was not what Alfa expected. He had just climbed into the team and defeated the park ahead.

"Alpha vinov, I think you're second"

"Make no mistake, Blacky, your rule is over today." vinov growled in his face.

Breathing could be heard in the crowd, and he dared to speak to alpha inappropriately.

When garista laughed at Bensonv's futile attempt to annoy him and get him out of the game, there was a burst of laughter in the air.

Somewhere in the crowd, a beautiful woman with red hair stood in awe of the smiling man - her father. Aliya is the only son of alpha Calista, because her mother died at birth. She is the apple of her father's eye.

She looked up at her father. Most of the time, she cursed that she was born a girl, because she couldn't take over the burden when her father was away. She erased this idea from her mind, and her heart broke when she thought of the man who had taken care of her, read her stories at night and protected her

Her life will pass one day, and she knows it will happen soon. That's why she worries whenever such a battle is coming. When she stared at her father standing in all his glory, her eyes shone with pride. Except for a leather belt covering his hip and front, there were almost no scratches and other alpha blood on her skin. She was quickly interrupted by Bensonv's next sentence.

"Even if I can't beat you, the rule of your team will end in a few months... Seeing your dead wife, you can't stand anything valuable except this poor daughter's excuse. Bensonf strode to kalista, who is fighting for control, looked into his eyes and continued, "When she mates with alpha, what is the guarantee that he will be as strong as alpha in your blood?"

Fiona struggled to stop her wolf. She was more worried about her father

Whose eyes have changed color, showing that his wolf wants to play. It has never happened in recent years. Her father has been fighting in the form of human beings.

An evil fake smile appeared on Bensonn's face. He got what he wanted. The audience looked at him in expectation and fear.

"Father, don't listen to him, block him, don't let him into your mind." she tried hard to connect her father, but she wasn't sure whether he heard it.

It happened in an instant. Bensonv's arm was pulled from the socket, and blood splashed to the ground. His painful screams filled the air, while his legs twisted back in an awkward position. Garista went to kill

"Stop alpha Calista!" Barry ordered, but it was like pouring water on a stone. Calista put his hand around vinov's neck and squeezed life out of him, one

The ordinary wolf is now dead, and Barry's orders do not seem to affect Blacky.

"How?" winov asked weakly. He had planned all this. He inserted a small needle coated with silver under his fingernail and dipped it in the sap of the root of Muta flower. One needle could weaken the strongest root of all alpha. How was Calista unaffected.

Calista seemed to be reading his mind and whispered, "I have a smarter one than you." fern's eyes were about to come out of his sockets.

"Father"! Stop, please! " Aiya shouted. After 10 seconds, vinov fell painfully to the ground and had almost no life. Aiya was relieved that it was illegal to kill in the shadow. Vinov was alpha and would be fine in six months. Once his arm was connected to other parts of the body, it would slowly rearrange. This is a painful process, which is no different from torture.

Calista issued a harsh roar to announce his victory. Everyone present except the elders cried in response, knelt on one knee and bowed their heads to pay tribute to the defending champion.

Old Barry was relieved that the night had not been destroyed by bloodshed. "Let's start running."

Alpha Calista became his wolf, dominating everything and persevering... It was as dark as night. Even then, he towered over every wolf present and led him into the forest. The roar of victory echoed from the blood clan members, and they were still invincible.

At the same time, behind the bushes, a young man with black hair stood and looked at what had happened with a smile on his face

"You're welcome, alpha."

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