chapter 9 It's all the live broadcast that's to blame

by Jayden 17:12,Sep 27,2023
"Damn it, that stunning girl is with that country bumpkin!"
The men who had initially considered making a move on Hannah Wang now seethed with envy, jealousy, and resentment as they watched her and Tyrone Qin clinking glasses.
Among those observing were the escort girls and sugar babies in the bar. Just moments ago, Hannah Wang had shone like a radiant pearl, completely overshadowing their presence.
In this situation, they couldn't help but wonder what kind of man could capture such a high-caliber woman.
Through the dim lighting, they caught glimpses of Tyrone Qin's chiseled features and slightly tanned complexion, his well-built physique exuding masculine energy that contrasted sharply with the effeminate vibes of the pretty boys in the bar.
He appeared to be a rugged, non-conforming presence, a stark departure from the bar's usual ambiance.
"It looks like she's into macho men," one of the accompanying girls in the bar commented unconsciously after sizing up Tyrone Qin.
As men simmered with envy and jealousy while the girls murmured their thoughts, Tyrone Qin casually downed a small bottle of beer in one go. He then shifted his gaze away from Hannah Wang, picked up a third bottle of beer, and drank it alone.
For him, instructing the waiter to serve wine to Hannah Wang had been a playful attempt to tease her for her persistence back at the police station.
However, he quickly noticed that Hannah Wang likely didn't have much drinking experience, as she didn't realize that the vodka was fake. His interest in any further "communication" with her waned.
Oddly, Hannah Wang felt a pang of irritation at this turn of events.
She had followed Tyrone Qin to the bar partly to reclaim her sense of control after feeling teased during their encounter at the police station. Additionally, she was perplexed by her inability to access Tyrone Qin's military records through her connections, leading her to believe he might have ties to the renowned "Sharp Sword" unit of the armed forces.
Most importantly, she wanted answers regarding Tyrone Qin's connection to Tim Zhang.
To her, Tyrone Qin was a mystery that she couldn't resist investigating.
Although she sensed that Tyrone Qin might be playing with her, Hannah Wang restrained herself from acting rashly. Instead, she poured herself another glass of vodka, determined to match Tyrone Qin's pace.
This display left the men who had been secretly observing them somewhat perplexed. They couldn't quite grasp what was happening between the two, but they chose to remain spectators for the time being.
Meanwhile, three more customers entered the Slow Bar.
Unlike Tyrone Qin and Hannah Wang, these newcomers weren't accompanied by a waiter. Instead, they followed a middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man appeared to be a supervisor at the King's Bar, and the waitstaff respectfully greeted him as he passed.
The middle-aged man paid no attention to the waitstaff's actions and continued to escort the three guests with utmost diligence. His face bore a warm and welcoming smile, as if he were a servant attending to royalty in a period drama.
"Young Master Huang, despite it not being the weekend, the hall is graced with numerous beautiful ladies today," the middle-aged man, one of the managers at King's Bar, enthusiastically conversed with a young man beside him.
The young man appeared to be in his early twenties, sporting a designer suit, a Patek Philippe wristwatch on his left arm, and an exquisite huanghuali bracelet adorning his right wrist.
The combined value of these two accessories exceeded one million dollars.
However, this wasn't the primary reason for the middle-aged man's unwavering attention.
King's Bar was considered a top-tier establishment in East China Sea, frequented by wealthy clientele. The middle-aged man had welcomed many guests, but none had received such meticulous attention as today.
The exception was due, in part, to the young man's claim that his father held significant influence in the East China Sea business community, granting him access to upper-class society. More importantly, it was because the young man, Young Master Huang, was a close friend of Liang He, known for his lavish lifestyle and reputation as a playboy in East China Sea.
Rumors also swirled that Liang He's father shared a close friendship with Zhang Tim Zhang, the owner of King's Bar and an East Beach tycoon. There were even whispers that Liang He harbored affections for Zhang Xinran, Tim Zhang's daughter, Diana Zhang.
Today, Fay Liang, accompanied by a group of friends, had initially reserved the most luxurious restaurant on the top floor. However, Young Master Huang found the young models who readily served them boring. Seeking a different kind of excitement, he descended to the main hall in search of more intriguing encounters.
"While there are indeed many lovely ladies here, how many of them, apart from hostesses, women with cosmetic enhancements, and those whose true beauty remains concealed under makeup and dim lighting, are truly deserving of the title 'beautiful'?" Olaf Huang declared candidly, sweeping his gaze across the entire hall.
A moment later, his eyes lit up as they fell upon Hannah Wang, who wore sportswear. He was captivated by her presence.
"Young Master Huang, isn't that lady worthy of the 'beautiful' distinction?" the middle-aged supervisor asked, following Olaf Huang's line of sight. He sported a lecherous grin.
"Cut the chatter; bring over the wine, the good stuff!" Olaf Huang responded with the zeal of a hunter who had spotted his prey, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.
"Of course!" The middle-aged manager replied cheerfully, signaling a waiter and providing hushed instructions.
Promptly, the waiter arrived at the middle-aged supervisor's side with two bottles of exquisite wine from a French vineyard, handpicked by the bar.
"Young Master Huang, the wine has arrived..." the middle-aged supervisor began.
However, Olaf Huang paid him no heed. Instead, he picked up two bottles of red wine and headed directly toward Hannah Wang.
"Lovely lady, I've got some wine here. Would you care to join me?"
Shortly after, Olaf Huang approached Hannah Wang's table with two bottles of fine red wine. He briefly glanced at the vodka on the table and attempted to display what he believed to be a charming smile.
"Excuse me," Hannah Wang frowned, as Olaf Huang obstructed her view.
"Beauty..." Olaf Huang initially intended to impress the other two heirs by showcasing his pick-up skills in front of them. However, he hadn't anticipated such a dismissive response from Hannah Wang. His expression shifted abruptly, and he refrained from escalating the situation, addressing her once more.
"You're blocking my view. I'll give you three seconds to move, or you'll face the consequences," Hannah Wang's voice grew colder, her frown deepening.
"You..." Olaf Huang felt a mix of annoyance at his failed advances and curiosity about what had captivated Hannah Wang's attention. Reluctant to provoke a conflict, he turned to see what had captured her gaze and discovered Tyrone Qin seated nearby.
Upon first glance, Olaf Huang felt an inkling of familiarity regarding Tyrone Qin. Upon closer inspection, he recalled where he had seen him before. His frustration at failing to impress Hannah was quickly replaced by excitement.
Before Hannah Wang could respond, Olaf Huang took the initiative and strode toward Tyrone Qin.
Observing this, Tyrone Qin was curious but unfazed, continuing to sip his drink.
"Were you on the high-speed train from Yanjing City to Donghai this afternoon?" Olaf Huang inquired once more, his tone carrying an air of authority.
Tyrone Qin's expression remained unyielding. "Who are you?" he demanded, his patience wearing thin as he continued to grapple with Olaf Huang's brash demeanor.
Olaf Huang reiterated, his voice now tinged with impatience, "I asked if you were on the high-speed train from Yanjing City to Donghai this afternoon. Simply answer yes or no!"
Tyrone Qin's brows furrowed deeper in response to Olaf's persistence. "Is it any of your business?" he retorted, his irritation evident.
However, Olaf Huang was undeterred. "It's you! I recognized your bag!" He pointed out the backpack behind Tyrone Qin with a sneer. "It's a small world; I can't believe I'd run into you here. Come with me. You've offended someone you shouldn't have!"
Hannah Wang, observing from a distance, remained puzzled by the intensity of Olaf Huang's reaction. She couldn't fathom why Tyrone Qin had provoked such animosity.
On the other hand, Tyrone Qin was now all but certain that Olaf Huang's confrontation was related to Diana Zhang's live broadcast earlier in the day. The enigmatic puzzle pieces were slowly falling into place.
With a sly half-smile, Tyrone Qin took a casual sip from his bottle and asked, "What if I refuse to leave?"
Olaf Huang hesitated, his initial anger giving way to a more cautious assessment. He couldn't ignore the powerful presence Tyrone Qin exuded, and memories of Diana Zhang's formidable bodyguard on the high-speed train flashed before him. Olaf thought better of engaging in a confrontation and chose a different course of action. He swiftly approached the two perplexed young men who were with him and issued instructions.
"This guy harassed Diana Zhang on the high-speed train today," Olaf Huang explained to his companions. "Keep an eye on him, and I'll report it to Young Master Liang."
The two dandies, having now grasped the situation, exchanged knowing glances and nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile, the middle-aged supervisor, overhearing Olaf Huang's revelation, experienced a momentary sense of bewilderment before directing an intrigued yet quizzical gaze at Tyrone Qin. It was as if he were contemplating the audacity of this young man's actions.
Simultaneously, Hannah Wang, who had caught wind of Olaf Huang's disclosure, regarded Tyrone Qin with heightened interest. Her gaze seemed to convey a silent but potent warning: "Don't let me catch you in any compromising situations." The air was thick with tension, and the brewing intrigue was far from over.

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