chapter 7 Kill the Black-armored Giant Python

by Zachary 17:30,Oct 20,2023
Longstaff City, much like Sigeweard City, relied on the Sunset Mountains, but there was quite a distance between the two. It was really odd for the Longstaff Family folks to show up here.
Both cities depended on the resources of the Sunset Mountain Range to survive. Although there's no clear boundary on the surface, the area we're in now belonged to Sigeweard City.
Ethan focused his thoughts and cast a cold gaze at the nearby Longstaff Family members.
"Huh? What about the Bloodmark Wolf's corpse? Why is there only the Black-armored Giant Python left?" The white-clad youth frowned as he looked at the bloodstains in the distance.
"Forget about the Bloodmark Wolf's body. As long as we get this Black-armored Giant Python's Soul Crystal, my eldest brother can break through to Battle Master and then help you find the Third-ranked Soul Beast." The burly man exuded confidence, seemingly unfazed by the blood-soaked Black-armored Giant Python.
"Alright." The white-clad youth nodded, then waved his hand. "Take down this Black-armored Giant Python. Afterwards, everyone will be rewarded with two hundred lower-grade soul stones."
"Don't worry, Second Young Master. This Black-armored Giant Python is heavily injured. Killing it is easy." A servant from the Longstaff Family chuckled nonchalantly.
The others echoed the confidence. At this point, the Black-armored Giant Python's aura was greatly diminished, unable to unleash the power expected of a Third-ranked Soul Beast.
"We attack!" The burly man swung his tomahawk, swiftly closing in on the Black-armored Giant Python. With a fierce strike, he sent sparks flying and elicited roars from the Python.
"It's strong on the outside but vulnerable inside," observed one of the onlookers, brimming with confidence.
Hidden in the shadows, Ethan furrowed his brow. Something about the situation felt off. The Black-armored Giant Python should not appear so weak after devouring the Bloodmark Wolf's body.
But in the next moment, Ethan had a revelation.
As the man approached, the Python suddenly roared madly, hurling its massive body through the air. The ensuing shockwave sent nine figures flying, bloodied and battered.
"It's still capable of fighting! Run!" the burly man yelled, finally realizing that the Python had lured them in, waiting to strike with deadly precision.
Due to its diminished strength, it could not muster its full combat prowess and deliberately feigned weakness.
But it was too late to flee. The Python went berserk, swallowing two cultivators in an instant. With its tail thrashing, it unleashed a torrent of soul power, charging towards the white-clad youth.
"Hey man, save me!" the youth cried, his face drained of color, trembling uncontrollably.
In the nick of time, the burly man shielded him, a white apparition materializing behind him—a Fourth-grade Battle Soul Thunder Axe!
Launching into the air, he infused the axe with the power of his Battle Soul, delivering a devastating blow.
Boom! Blood rained down as the burly man was thrown back, blood spewing from his mouth.
The Python fixed them with a cold gaze, closing in, but refrained from attacking.
Pale and trembling, the white-clad youth held out a green, dew-drenched grass—Dragon Saliva Grass.
The Python rumbled, fixating on the grass with burning eyes.
"Here's the Dragon Saliva Grass. Let us go!" Daniel Longstaff's reluctance was palpable, but the preciousness of the grass outweighed even a third-level peak Soul Crystal.
The Python nodded in agreement, wary of Daniel destroying the grass.
"Let's move!" the burly man shouted, signaling the severely injured Longstaff Family servants to retreat. Daniel carefully placed the Dragon Saliva Grass down before turning and fleeing.
The Black-armored Giant Python let out a low growl and didn't pursue Daniel and the others. Its sole focus was the Dragon Saliva Grass. Despite its severe injuries, just one Dragon Saliva Grass would be enough to restore it to its peak condition and possibly even more.
Observing the jungle with a steely gaze, it confirmed that Daniel and his group had already departed. Its momentum instantly waned, and it collapsed to the ground with barely a breath left.
"This Black-armored Giant Python is quite clever," Ethan squinted, capturing every detail of the Black-armored Giant Python's behavior. "I reckon it doesn't even have the strength of a second-tier peak warrior now."
Seeing the Black-armored Giant Python slowly crawling towards the Dragon Saliva Grass, Ethan sprang into action. His Ghost Battle Soul materialized behind him, emanating a terrifying soul power. With Phantom Steps, he reached top speed, appearing behind the Black-armored Giant Python in an instant. His Second-grade Battle Skill, Flying Rainbow Seven Swords, roared forth, its sword energy surging.
With a sharp thud, the razor-sharp sword light stood atop the head of the Black-armored Giant Python, creating a bloody gash from which blood spurted.
The Black-armored Giant Python roared, and its massive snake tail swept toward Ethan. Ethan felt the howling wind in the void. If that blow had landed, he would have been seriously injured, if not killed outright.
Though severely wounded by the divine beast, the Black-armored Giant Python's physical prowess remained dominant. Even a peak-stage warrior wouldn't have been able to withstand that strike.
In the blink of an eye, Ethan utilized his Phantom Steps to move forward instead of retreating. He appeared sideways under the towering head of the Black-armored Giant Python, dodging the snake's tail.
Ethan felt grateful. If he had still been at the peak of his warrior spirit, he wouldn't have been able to dodge the attack just now. The Second-grade Battle Skill consumed a significant amount of soul power, something only a battle warrior could handle.
"Diamond Finger!" Ethan bellowed, unleashing his terrifying soul power on the Refined Steel Sword. The sword transformed into a finger, concentrating all attacks into one point as he stabbed upward.
With a piercing sound, the Refined Steel Sword suddenly pierced through the jaw of the Black-armored Giant Python, penetrating the entire bone. Blood gushed out, staining Ethan's body red.
The Black-armored Giant Python struggled twice before falling silent. It was evident that it could struggle no more.
Almost simultaneously, Ethan's soul power was depleted, and his Ghost Battle Soul entered his pubic region. His legs weakened, and he almost collapsed to the ground. He staggeringly picked up the Dragon Saliva Grass from the ground and carefully stowed it away. Then, holding the Bloodmark Wolf's Soul Crystal in his hand, he began to rapidly absorb and refine it.
In this battle, he truly felt the power of a Third-ranked Soul Beast. If it hadn't been severely injured, he probably wouldn't have been able to handle it.
After a moment, he opened his eyes with a solemn expression, gazing at the body of the Black-armored Giant Python not far away, and walked slowly towards it.
A while later, he had another black Soul Crystal emitting a faint light in his hand. Compared to the Bloodmark Wolf's, this Soul Crystal was purer.
"What a pity. This Black-armored Giant Python is a treasure trove, but with such a large body, I can't move it at all," Ethan sighed inwardly.
The scales and sharp teeth of the Black-armored Giant Python were excellent materials for crafting sharp weapons. Similarly, the blood of the Black-armored Giant Python was precious to alchemists.
"Captain, the sound of fighting just now came from this direction," just as Ethan was about to leave, a voice sounded, and then, several figures entered their sight instantly.

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