Chapter 14 Possessed!

by Death 16:58,Oct 24,2020
As a young man in his twenties, he was speaking with a queer womanly voice.
Granduncle rose to his feet vigilantly detecting the abnormality: "who are you? Are you the one who set the Trap?"

Grandma quickly pulled me behind her as a thought occurred to me, that man was possessed!

Every time when someone in the village acted strange, they would be called to be 'possessed by ghost'. Of course, most of time it was a joke, but sometimes it was real, like this man.

I looked at the demon, who was standing under the tree and didn't say a word. With the mask, I couldn't read his expression.

With the flashlights of the villager focusing on the possessed man, I could see him clearly. He glared at me as if to try to recall who I was; maybe I was the only strange face here.

The others huddled together, terrified at the strange behaviour of the man.

The man pinched his womanly “orchid fingers” and said with a giggle: "You don't know me, so it would be wiser for you to stay out of my business, otherwise, ha ha...prepared to die!"

Granduncle knew exactly what to do in this situation, he asked 'It': "What on earth are you here for?"

The man who was possessed looked to me and said darkly, "Hey hey...I want that girl...
Pure-‘Yin’ body, the ‘Yin’ fetus in her belly can also be the best supplement for me...ah, give me that girl, or all of you will die!"

Me? ‘Yin’ fetus?
I turned to the demon anxiously; Now I believed in his word about my pregnancy; but since the baby was half his, he would not watch me die, right?

Granduncle’s face darkened and threatened him: “Are you sure you wanna ruin your next life by killing?! Think it over!"

That man giggled: "You don’t need to worry about me, just be clever and stay out of my way, that girl is mine!"

From the dark, the demon finally spoke:"Well, you have been on the loose for over two hundred years. You must think you could defy the hell and law of the world and underworld without consequence?”

The man was shocked at the voice, "Who's talking?"

I had some doubts in my mind; was the demon also invisible to the other ghosts?

Granduncle gazed at the man who was possessed, pinching and touching his fingers divining the fortune of everyone; his face grew grim as his pinching got faster and faster, finally, he stopped and let out a sigh: "Is there really no escape from the doom!"

Was he serious? It made me nervous too.

Suddenly, the demon appeared in front of the possessed man with a flash and kicked him in the chest. The young man flew a few meters away; the extinguished candle of my heart was lit up all at once as if all my sufferings in the past years finally paid off; he was going to be the salvation of me and the village, maybe.

The possessed man scrambled to his feet and his “orchid finger” trembled: "You, you, you...
Who the hell are you?!"

I didn't hold back my thrill at such great kick, shouted excitedly: "He is your Uncle Death!"

The seemed to be sneering behind the mask as well, in a tone with some pleasure: "Yes, I am your Uncle Death!"

Grandma pulled me aside. "Can you see that?"

Granduncle looked to me thoughtfully as well.

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been alive now.” I had to be honest with them now. “He's the ‘underworld being’ I have been married to four years ago. He escorted me back to the village. Even the Black and white reapers are afraid of him; I believe he could kick the ass of this sissy!"

Granduncle commented skeptically: "The only ‘underworld beings’ the Black and white reapers are afraid of would be Judge Death and Yama!

I didn't say another world but looked to the demon.
The possessed man collapsed onto the ground like a puppet with broken strings, and a woman ghost dressed in red cheongsam flew out of nowhere and got engaged in a close quarter fight with demon. Except the ghastly pale face, she was a very pretty woman, with big breasts, a small waist and her long hair hanging down to the her feet.

Grandmother looked at me and said worriedly, "That thing just now said that you were pregnant with a ‘Yin’ fetus, that’s not good! It would kill you..."

I touched my flat belly, feeling not a trace of grief; after all, I had outlived all other female members of Fans, what more could I ask for?

Suddenly, the whole body of another villager standing in front of me convulsed and collapse onto the ground as well; some unknown liquid spattered on my hand and as I wiped it off with my another hand, a faint scent of blood emanated; granduncle and the others knelt down to check on him.

When I recovered from the shock and checked on the man again; he had stopped twitching, instead, his blood gushed out unstoppably from a big hole on the chest.

Granduncle’s face was getting even grim: "ghost heart-digging...There's more than one ghost here..."

Subconsciously, I checked on my own chest before the demon suddenly turned to me and shouted loudly: "close your eyes, spin three times respectively in clockwise and anticlockwise direction, and walk straight forward with you eyes open; remember, do not stop for anything!"

My mind told me to follow his order; I said to the other villagers with the exact tone and word of the demon: "Follow me, close your eyes, spin three times respectively in clockwise and anticlockwise direction, and walk straight forward with you eyes open; remember, do not stop for anything!!"

The other villagers doubted for a second; but as they saw that my granduncle and grandmother did exactly what I did, they followed as well.
Finishing the spin, I went straight on, almost staring straight ahead, for fear of seeing anything horrifying.

A woman's voice from behind said, "Where are you going?"
Someone looked back to check before granduncle could stop him; granduncle knew exactly what was calling--there were two invisible ‘Yang’ fires being carried on the shoulders of living; when you turned around, your breath could put them out; and that’s the most vulnerable moments for the livings with in the absence of one of the ‘Yang’ fires and ‘Yin’ things could get a chance to step in; that’s it, he had his one of his ‘Yang’ fires put out and the ghost who had called him got him.

Sure enough, I heard a scream and a sound of chewing. The creepy chewing sound sent a shiver down to my spine; I quickened my pace. Within minutes, two or maybe three villagers were down.

In the panic, I slipped and fell onto the ground. The skin of the elbow must have been broken as it tingled. I held out my hand and said thank you as a hand reached to help me. I thought it was my granduncle’s or grandma’s or other villagers'; but I knew immediately that I was wrong as a face white as paper greeted me when I raised my head.

I was scared out of my wits at that time: "Save me! Demon! White reaper is here to reap my life!"

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