chapter 5 I was new!

by Melodie 17:30,Dec 04,2023
Jackson turned his head and saw a middle-aged, bald man in a white shirt with a gloomy face.
"He is Wade, the leader of the second group in the business department, our direct superior. Judging by his expression, he must have been scolded by the manager again. You'd better not provoke him at this time," Nolan whispered a reminder, then returned to his seat.
"Leader Wade." Seeing Wade still looking at him, Jackson greeted him.
"I haven't seen you before, are you new?" Wade frowned.
"Yes, I'm new." Jackson nodded.
"Newcomers should be pragmatic and down-to-earth. Don't follow the bad examples of the old hands in the company who don't focus on their work," Wade coldly glanced at Nolan, making him feel very embarrassed.
After giving a few instructions, Wade left without deliberately making things difficult for Jackson.
It seemed that Wade was unaware of Violet's attempts to cause trouble for Jackson, saving Jackson some hassle.
"Damn, every time our performance is outdone by the first group, he shows up with that sour face. He blames his subordinates for his own lack of leadership skills," Nolan complained as soon as Wade left.
"Our second group can't match the performance of the first group?" Jackson asked casually.
"It's not just a matter of falling short, we are utterly outclassed," Nolan replied with a disheartened expression.
Jackson looked thoughtful.
"Leader Wade, the client is still not satisfied with the new proposal for the contract. They say they want to cancel the deal, what should we do?" At this moment, a young girl ran in anxiously.
"We've already made concessions, and they're still not satisfied?" Wade's face turned stern.
"The client says they will only cooperate if we lower the price by another ten percent," the girl almost cried out.
Hearing this, Wade became agitated. This was a deal he had worked hard to secure, hoping to reduce the gap between the second and first group with this performance.
But the other party was being excessively greedy. Agreeing to their demands would lead to a loss for the company.
"Tell them this is the last concession. If they are not willing to cooperate sincerely, then forget it," Wade said through gritted teeth.
The girl was stunned. She was in charge of this deal and knew that conceding another ten percent would be a loss for the company, but Wade was the leader, and despite her reservations, she had to comply.
Just as she was about to negotiate with the client, a calm voice came from nearby.
Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young man they didn't recognize, holding a cup. It was Jackson who had spoken.
"Jackson, do you have a different opinion?" Seeing him, Wade's face darkened. If he remembered correctly, this man was the new guy in the business department.
Jackson didn't respond but walked straight over to the girl, took the printed contract from her hand, glanced over it, and shook his head, "This is too much of a loss, we can't sign this."
"This is none of your business. What would a newcomer like you know about losses?" Wade frowned.
Jackson still didn't answer. Instead, he began explaining and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the contract to the girl, showing his expertise.
The employees of the second group watched Jackson with mixed feelings. The newcomer was bold, openly challenging the leader's decision. Weren't they afraid of facing repercussions?
However, as Jackson's professional explanation progressed, more and more people started to look surprised. Many of the terms he used were only vaguely understood by them, but his logic was definitely sound.
The young girl listened more and more excitedly to Jackson's explanation. Being directly involved in the business, his words enlightened her.
"We, the Griffith Group, are the leaders in Jimstantham City's pharmaceutical industry. There's no better partner than us in the whole city. So when we negotiate with clients, we must be assertive!"
Jackson tapped the table, his tone becoming experienced and sharp. "If you show weakness, the client will think you can be easily bullied and keep demanding concessions. That's unacceptable. It's entirely to their benefit to collaborate with us. If there are concessions to be made, it should be them conceding, not the other way around."
"It's my fault, I got nervous, and that let them take advantage," the young girl admitted with shame, then anxiously added, "But we've already promised quite a few concessions, how can we recover from this?"
"That's easy. Give me the client's phone number!" Jackson replied with a confident smile.
"Hello, are you the person in charge at Dawnlight Pharmaceuticals? I'm Apollo, the Chairman of the Griffith Group." Jackson's opening sentence sent shivers down the spines of all the employees.
Pretending to be Chairman Apollo? That was audacious!
Ignoring the astonished looks from everyone, Jackson went straight to the point, "Your demands are too much. We've decided to withdraw from the partnership. Please look for another partner."
After speaking, Jackson hung up the phone with a snap.
Everyone was stunned, not expecting this to be Jackson's solution.
"You're being reckless!" Wade exploded. This was a very important business deal, and Jackson had just thrown it away.
"In three minutes, they will call back, begging to cooperate with us," Jackson pointed at his watch, brimming with confidence.
"Fine, if there's no call in three minutes, you're out of the second group!" Wade roared.
Just then, the young girl's phone rang. She checked it, her expression turning peculiar. It was a call from the client!
The girl reluctantly answered, nodding continuously and agreeing.
Seeing her reaction, everyone grew curious. Had Jackson really managed to win over the client?
As everyone was still doubtful, the girl hung up the phone, her face lit with excitement, "Leader Wade, the client has voluntarily conceded an additional twenty percent and hopes to continue working with us!"
Wade's face lit up with excitement. This was a deal worth 150,000 dollars, and a new employee had revived it!
Was this guy really a newcomer? Many employees wondered.
"Mr. Jackson, you've made a great contribution today. I'll treat you to dinner tonight!" Wade, now affectionately putting his arm around Jackson, even changed how he addressed him.
However, those familiar with Wade knew the reality. Although Jackson had made a great contribution today, he had publicly contradicted Wade, rejected his decision, and proved him wrong.
They all knew who Wade was, the leader of the second group in the business department!
Being shown up by a new employee, would he let this slid by so easily?
"Sure," Jackson agreed.
Just then, a significant figure arrived at the business department. Chairman Apollo himself came to visit!
The employees of the second group were terrified, wondering if Jackson's earlier impersonation of the Chairman had been discovered.
Even the business department manager, Waylon, was startled and eagerly accompanied the Chairman on his tour.
However, Apollo didn't pay any attention to him. Instead, to everyone's surprise, he went straight to Jackson and asked warmly with a smile, "Haha, Jackson, how do you feel on your first day at work?"
"Fine," Jackson replied with a nod.
"After work, come with me. I've already arranged a place for dinner to welcome you!" Apollo said cheerfully.
The employees were almost scared to death. This newcomer had such a significant connection?
Especially Wade, who felt like banging his head against a wall. He had been thinking of retaliating against Jackson, but now it seemed like a joke.
But what made Wade even more desperate was yet to come.
"No, I've already agreed to have dinner with Mr. Wade," Jackson declined Apollo's invitation.

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