chapter 6 You are sick

by Xiola 18:10,Jan 04,2024
The beautiful woman turned around and saw two trucks sandwiching her Ferrari from the front and back.


In an instant, a deafening explosion echoed through the sky, and flames shot up from the Ferrari.

If she still didn't know what had happened after seeing this, then she must be truly clueless.

If it wasn't for the man in front of her risking his life to save her from the Ferrari just now, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

After the two trucks collided with the Ferrari, the two truck drivers quickly abandoned their vehicles.

The beautiful woman's cold eyes gleamed as she watched the two drivers flee, deep in thought. It was only after they disappeared from her sight that she slowly turned to look at Rachit.

"Thank you so much today. If it wasn't for you, I might have perished here," the woman said, bowing deeply to Rachit.

At that moment, Rachit's eyes widened because as the woman bent down, the loose collar of her sweater slightly revealed something. It was just a glimpse, but enough to make him almost have a nosebleed.

The woman raised her head and saw the man in front of her staring straight at her. Her face blushed slightly, but she wasn't angry.

She noticed that this man was different from others. His eyes were clear, focused on her without ulterior motives, just a genuine appreciation of beauty.

Her beautiful eyes blinked as she said, "I'm Faithe. Handsome, what's your name?"

Any man seeing Faithe exuding such charm would probably want to hold her in their arms, right?

No man could resist such charm.

A woman like her was the most captivating sight in the world.

The man could have her and experience the most wonderful pleasures in life.

However, faced with such a woman, Rachit frowned and said, "You're sick."


Faithe was puzzled. Wasn't she just asking for his name?

You didn't want to tell me, say so. Why insult me?

Anger slowly rose in her expression, but Rachit had to admit, even in anger, that this woman was so captivating.

Of course, Rachit knew that the woman had misunderstood him. He quickly explained, "I'm Rachit. I wasn't insulting you."

"What do you mean then?" Faithe was frowning and asked.

"My point is, you're sick," Rachit said seriously.

Seeing Rachit's earnest expression, Faithe asked in confusion, "What illness?"

"If I guess correctly when it rains, you break out in a rash all over your body. This illness must have tormented you for over a decade, right?"

"How did you know?" Faithe looked at Rachit in astonishment.

"I just figured it out!" Rachit shrugged.

"Are you a doctor?"

"I'm not a doctor!" Rachit shook his head.

"Even many doctors couldn't figure out what illness I have. How did you figure it out?" Faithe asked in puzzlement.

"Heh... I guess those doctors are useless!"

"Since you can diagnose my illness, do you have a way to treat it?" Faithe asked hopefully.

"It can be treated..." Rachit glanced at Faithe, hesitating to speak further.

"Since you can treat it, please help me. This illness has tormented me for over a decade, and I've seen many doctors who couldn't identify it. Finally, a renowned doctor told me it's called rain sensitivity syndrome, but even he couldn't treat it," Faithe said frustratedly.

"Rain sensitivity syndrome? Heh..." Rachit scoffed.

"Isn't it this illness?" Faithe asked in confusion.

"Of course not!" Rachit shook his head.

"What kind of illness do I have?"

"It's not an illness, but it is."

"What do you mean?" Faithe asked in confusion.

"It's because of your body."

"My body?"

"Yeah... Your body is unique, it's a rare Nine Spirit body that only occurs once in a century. However, if it was just the Nine Spirit body, you wouldn't break out in a rash every time it rains."

"So why does that happen?"

"Besides having the Nine Spirit body, your bloodline also belongs to the Cold bloodline, another rare condition. These two cold body constitutions cause the formation of cold vital in your body. It's fine on sunny days, but when it's cold and rainy, your skin can't handle the invasion of this cold vital, leading to rashes and intense itching."

"It's so complicated?" Faithe stared with her beautiful and charming eyes, looking incredulous and confused as if she were hearing a foreign language.

"Since you can cure it, then please help me!" Faithe pleaded.

"I can help you, but..."

"But what?" Faithe asked nervously, worried that Rachit wouldn't treat her.

A beautiful woman breaking out in rashes all over her body on rainy days, unable to even step out, that feeling was truly unbearable, she had truly had enough.

"I can only treat you when you have the rash, and you can't wear clothes during the treatment. That's the situation. It's up to you to decide if you want the treatment."

Faithe naturally understood Rachit's meaning. To receive treatment, she would have to let this man examine her thoroughly. For a woman, allowing a man who wasn't her boyfriend or husband to see her body was indeed a difficult decision.

"I need you to treat me." This was Faithe's decision.

Letting her savior see her body wasn't an unacceptable thing, right?

"Come find me when it rains and you break out, and I'll treat you."

"What's your phone number?"

"Uh... I don't have a phone," Rachit shrugged.

He used to live in the mountains with no signal, so he didn't own a phone. When he moved to the city, Diana bought him a phone, but as a mute, what use did he have for it?

So, he gave it to his sister-in-law.

Thinking of his sister-in-law made Rachit smile. If there were people he cared about in this world, one was his wife Diana, and the other was his sister-in-law Erin.

He cared about Erin because she was the only one who had cared for him in the past year, willing to share her thoughts.

Perhaps Erin only saw him as a mute person she could confide in without worrying about her secrets being revealed. But to Rachit, that wasn't important.

What mattered was that this sharing made him feel warmth.

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